E. Mauricio-Sánchez, C. Soler-Zamora, & E. Lara (2025) The devil is in the details: Cylindrifflugia luciferina spec. nov. reveals the phylogenetic backbone of the infraorder Cylindrothecina (Amoebozoa, Arcellinida). European Journal of Protistology 97: 126131. de Mier2025-01-08T09:51:31+01:00
A. García‑Bodelón, N. Baković, E. Cano, F. Useros, E. Lara & R. González-Miguéns (2024) Predators in the Dark: Metabarcoding Reveals Arcellinida Communities Associated with Bat Guano, Endemic to Dinaric Karst in Croatia. Microbial Ecology 87:166. de Mier2025-01-07T11:57:31+01:00
R. González-Miguéns, E. Cano, M. García-Gallo Pinto, P. G. Peña, M. Rincón-Barrado, G. Iglesias, A. Blanco-Rotea, M. I. Carrasco-Braganza, D. de Salvador-Velasco, A. Guillén-Oterino, D. Tenorio-Rodríguez, F. Siemensma, D. Velázquez & E. Lara (2024) The voice of the little giants: Arcellinida testate amoebae in environmental DNA-based bioindication, from taxonomy free to haplotypic level. Molecular Ecology Resources 13999: 1-18. de Mier2024-09-16T13:04:26+02:00
C. Soler-Zamora, F. Useros, R. González-Miguéns, P. Gómez-Rodríguez & E. Lara (2023) The problem of ‘shadow species’ as illustrated with the taxonomic hotchpotch Cyphoderia ampulla (Rhizaria: Cyphoderiidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 199 (2): 477–492. de Mier2024-09-16T12:43:22+02:00
C. Lado & D. Wrigley de Basanta (2024) The type material in the David W. Mitchell myxomycete collection at the Royal Botanic Garden, Kew. Phytotaxa 649 (2): 135–158. de Mier2024-05-21T10:59:13+02:00
F. Useros, I. García-Cunchillos, N. Henry, C. Berney & E. Lara (2024). How good are global DNA-based environmental surveys for detecting all protist diversity? Arcellinida as an example of biased representation. Environmental Microbiology 26 (3): de Mier2024-04-10T09:47:45+02:00
J. W. Muñuico, I. Treviño-Zevallos & C. Lado (2024) Adiciones a la mixobiota de la selva central de Perú: Nuevos registros y primera cita de Craterium roseum (Physarales, Myxomycetes, Amoebozoa). Folia Amazónica 32 (2): e32725. de Mier2024-03-25T10:12:04+01:00
G. M. Ribeiro, F. Useros, K. Dumack, R. González-Miguéns, F. Siemensma, A. L. Porfírio-Sousa, C. Soler-Zamora, J. P. Barbosa Alcino, D. J. G. Lahr & E. Lara (2023). Expansion of the cytochrome C oxidase subunit I database and description of four new lobose testate amoebae species (Amoebozoa; Arcellinida). European Journal of Protistology 91: 126013. de Mier2024-04-15T12:42:40+02:00
S. Geisen, E. Lara & E. Mitchell (2023). Contemporary issues, current best practice and ways forward in soil protist ecology. Molecular Ecology Resources 23: 1477–1487. de Mier2024-04-15T12:42:29+02:00
D. Wrigley de Basanta, C. de Mier & C. Lado (2023) A taxonomic revision of the species of Licea subg. Licea (Myxomycetes). Phytotaxa 629 (2): 95-128. de Mier2024-03-25T10:22:53+01:00
I. Treviño-Zevallos, I. García-Cunchillos, D. Wrigley de Basanta & C. Lado (2023) Diversity of Myxomycetes from Peru Part III: The high Andes and the altiplano. Phytotaxa 624 (1): 1–92. de Mier2023-11-13T11:42:04+01:00
J. M. García-Martín, J. C. Zamora & C. Lado (2023) Multigene phylogeny of the order Physarales (Myxomycetes, Amoebozoa): shedding light on the dark-spored clade. Persoonia (51): 89–124. de Mier2024-03-25T10:23:55+01:00
F. Useros, R. González-Miguéns, C. Soler-Zamora & E. Lara (2023) When ecological transitions are not so infrequent: independent colonizations of athalassohaline water bodies by Arcellidae (Arcellinida; Amoebozoa), with descriptions of four new species. FEMS Microbiology Ecology (99): 1-15. de Mier2024-03-25T10:23:49+01:00
D. Wrigley de Basanta (2023). Biography: Carlos Lado. Slime Molds (4): V4A3. de Mier2024-03-25T10:24:05+01:00
J. C. Zamora, J. M. García-Martín & C. Lado (2023). Proposal to conserve the name Didymium against Mucilago and Spumaria (Physarales, Myxomycetes). TAXON 72 (3): 663-664. de Mier2024-03-25T10:24:27+01:00
C. Lado (2022). Foreword. In: Lado, C. (ed.) Descriptive, illustrated keys to the world’s Myxomycetes by N.E. Nannenga-Bremekamp: a posthumous publication with foreword, annotations, updates and editing. Editorial CSIC: 1-582. ISBN: 978-84-00-11119-9Carlos de Mier2024-03-25T10:24:34+01:00
R. González-Miguéns, M. Todorov, Q. Blandenier, C. Duckert, A. L. Porfirio-Sousa, G. M. Ribeiro, D. Ramos, D. J. G. Lahr, D. Buckley & E. Lara (2022). Deconstructing Difflugia: The tangled evolution of lobose testate amoebae shells (Amoebozoa: Arcellinida) illustrates the importance of convergent evolution in protist phylogeny. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 175: 107557. de Mier2024-03-25T10:24:43+01:00
C. V. W. Seppey, E. Lara, O. Broennimann, A. Guisan, L. Malard, D. Singer, E. Yashiro & B. Fournier (2023). Landscape structure is a key driver of soil protist diversity in meadows in the Swiss Alps. Landscape Ecology 38: 949-965. de Mier2024-03-25T10:24:50+01:00
L. A. Malard, H. K. Mod, N. Guex, O. Broennimann, E. Yashiro, E. Lara, E. A. D. Mitchell, H. Niculita-Hirzel & A. Guisan (2022). Comparative analysis of diversity and environmental niches of soil bacterial, archaeal, fungal and protist communities reveal niche divergences along environmental gradients in the Alps. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 169: 108674. de Mier2024-03-25T10:24:57+01:00
R. González-Miguéns, C. Soler-Zamora, F. Useros, S. Nogal-Prata, C. Berney, A. Blanco-Rotea, M. I. Carrasco-Braganza, D. de Salvador-Velasco, A. Guillén-Oterino, D. Tenorio-Rodríguez, T. J. Heger, I. Sanmartín & E. Lara (2022). Cyphoderia ampulla (Cyphoderiidae: Rhizaria), a tale of freshwater sailors: The causes and consequences of ecological transitions through the salinity barrier in a family of benthic protists. Molecular Ecology 31 (9): 2644-2663. de Mier2024-03-25T10:25:05+01:00
R. González-Miguéns, C. Soler-Zamora, M. Villar-Depablo, M. Todorov & E. Lara (2022). Multiple convergences in the evolutionary history of the testate amoeba family Arcellidae (Amoebozoa: Arcellinida: Sphaerothecina): when the ecology rules the morphology. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 194 (4): 1044-1071. de Mier2024-03-25T10:25:12+01:00
S. Metz, P. Huber, V. Accattatis, A. L. dos Santos, E. Bigeard, F. Unrein, A. Chambouvet, F. Not, E. Lara & M. Devercelli (2022). Freshwater protists: unveiling the unexplored in a large floodplain system. Environmental Microbiology 24 (4): 1731-1745. de Mier2024-03-25T10:25:19+01:00
R. González-Miguéns, E. Cano, A. Guillén-Oterino, A. Quesada, D. J. G. Lahr, D. Tenorio-Rodríguez, D. de Salvador-Velasco, D. Velázquez, M. I. Carrasco-Braganza, R. T. Patterson, E. Lara & D. Singer (2023). A needle in a haystack: A new metabarcoding approach to survey diversity at the species level of Arcellinida (Amoebozoa: Tubulinea). Molecular Ecology Resources: 1–16. de Mier2024-03-25T10:25:26+01:00
I. García-Cunchillos, J. C. Zamora, M. Ryberg & C. Lado (2022). Phylogeny and evolution of morphological structures in a highly diverse lineage of fruiting-body-forming amoebae, order Trichiales (Myxomycetes, Amoebozoa). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 117: 107609. de Mier2024-03-25T10:25:33+01:00
C. Lado, I. Treviño-Zevallos, J.M. García-Martín & D. Wrigley de Basanta (2022). Diachea mitchellii: A new myxomycete species from high elevation forests in the tropical Andes of Peru. Mycologia 114 (4): 798-811. de Mier2024-03-25T10:25:40+01:00
E. Lara, D. Singer & S. Geisen (2022). Discrepancies between prokaryotes and eukaryotes need to be considered in soil DNA-based studies. Environmental Microbiology 24(9): 3829-3839. de Mier2024-03-25T10:25:47+01:00
I.Treviño & C. Lado (2022) Myxomycetes de la Estación Biológica Wayqecha (Cusco-Perú). Instituto Científico Michael Owen Dillon. Arequipa, Perú, 198 pags.Carlos de Mier2024-03-25T10:25:54+01:00
V.E.J. Jassey, R. Walcker, P. Kardol, S. Geisen, T. Heger, M. Lamentowicz, S. Hamard & E. Lara (2022). Contribution of soil algae to the global carbon cycle. New Phytologist. de Mier2024-03-25T10:26:01+01:00
P.Janik, M. Szczepaniak, C. Lado & A. Ronikier (2021). Didymium pseudonivicola: A new myxomycete from the austral Andes emerges from broad-scale morphological and molecular analyses of D. nivicola collections. Mycologia 113 (6): 1327-1342. de Mier2024-03-25T10:26:12+01:00
R. González-Miguéns, C. Soler-Zamora, M. Villar-Depablo, M. Todorov & E. Lara (2021). Multiple convergences in the evolutionary history of the testate amoeba family Arcellidae (Amoebozoa: Arcellinida: Sphaerothecina): when the ecology rules the morphology. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society: 1–28. de Mier2024-03-25T10:26:18+01:00
I.Treviño, I. García-Cunchillos & C. Lado (2021). New records of Myxomycetes (Amoebozoa) from the tropical Andes. Phytotaxa 522 (3): 231–239. de Mier2021-10-13T12:42:21+02:00
I. García-Cunchillos, B. Estébanez & C. Lado (2021). Spore ultrastructural features and significance of their diverse ornamental elements in the evolutionary history of the order Trichiales (Myxomycetes,Amoebozoa). European Journal of Protistology 81: 125839. de Mier2024-03-25T10:26:35+01:00
C. Duckert, Q. Blandenier, M. McKeown, H. Hohaia, S. Luketa, J. Wilmshurst, E. Lara & E. A. D. Mitchell (2021). Superficially described and ignored for 92 years, rediscovered and emended: Apodera angatakere (Amoebozoa: Arcellinida: Hyalospheniformes) is a new flagship testate amoeba taxon from Aotearoa (New Zealand). Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 68: e12867. de Mier2024-03-25T10:26:42+01:00
L. D. Fernandez, C. V. W. Seppey, D. Singer, B. Fournier, D. Tatti, E. A. D. Mitchell & E. Lara (2021). Niche Conservatism Drives the Elevational Diversity Gradient in Major Groups of Free-Living Soil Unicellular Eukaryotes. Microbial Ecology 83: 459–469. de Mier2024-03-25T10:26:49+01:00
I. García-Cunchillos, B. Estébanez & C. Lado (2021). New Approach to the Ultrastructure of the Capillitium in the Order Trichiales (Myxomycetes, Amoebozoa) and its Phylogenetic Implications. Protist 172: 125805. de Mier2024-03-25T10:26:56+01:00
K. Dumack, C. Duckert, R. Meinhardt, E. Lara & M. Bonkowski (2021). Description of Phaeobola aeris gen. nov., sp. nov (Rhizaria, Cercozoa, Euglyphida) Sheds Light on Euglyphida’s Dark Matter. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 68: 12835. de Mier2024-03-25T10:27:04+01:00
D. Singer, C.V.W. Seppey, G. Lentendu, M. Dunthorn, D. Bass, L. Belbahri, Q. Blandenier, D. Debroas, G.A. de Groot, C. de Vargas, I. Domaizon, C. Duckert, I. Izaguirre, I. Koenig, G. Mataloni, M.R. Schiaffino, E.A.D. Mitchell, S. Geisen & E. Lara (2021). Protist taxonomic and functional diversity in soil, freshwater and marine ecosystems. Environment International 146: 106262. de Mier2024-03-25T10:27:11+01:00
C.V.W. Seppey, O. Broennimann, A. Buri, E. Yashiro, E. Pinto-Figueroa, D. Singer, Q. Blandenier, E.A.D. Mitchell, H. Niculita-Hirzel, A. Guisan & E. Lara (2020). Soil protist diversity in the Swiss western Alps is better predicted by topo-climatic than by edaphic variables. Journal of Biogeography 47: 866-878. de Mier2024-03-25T10:27:17+01:00
E. Lara, K. Dumack, J.M. García-Martín, A. Kudryavtsev & A. Kosakyan (2020). Amoeboid protist systematics: A report on the “Systematics of amoeboid protists” symposium at the VIIIth ECOP/ISOP meeting in Rome, 2019. European Journal of Protistology 76: 125727. de Mier2024-03-25T10:27:24+01:00
I.Treviño & C. Lado (2020). Myxomycete diversity in a humid montane forest on the eastern slopes of the Peruvian Andes. Plant Ecology and Evolution 153 (3): 390–398. de Mier2024-03-25T10:27:31+01:00
P. Janik, C. Lado & A. Ronikier (2020). Range-wide Phylogeography of a Nivicolous Protist Didymium nivicola Meyl. (Myxomycetes, Amoebozoa): Striking Contrasts Between the Northern and the Southern Hemisphere. Protist 171: 125771. de Mier2024-03-25T10:27:39+01:00
K. Marcisz, V. E. J. Jassey, A. Kosakyan, V. Krashevska, D. J. G. Lahr, E. Lara, Ł. Lamentowicz, M. Lamentowicz, A. Macumber, Y. Mazei, E. A. D. Mitchell, N. A. Nasser, R. T. Patterson H. M. Roe, D. Singer, A. N. Tsyganov & B. Fournier (2020). Testate Amoeba Functional Traits and Their Use in Paleoecology. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8: 575966.
A. Ronikier, I. García-Cunchillos, P. Janik & C. Lado (2020). Nivicolous Trichiales from the austral Andes: unexpected diversity including two new species. Mycologia 112 (4): 753-780.
K. Dumack, D. Görzen, R. González-Miguén, F. Siemensma, D. J. G. Lahr, E. Lara & M. Bonkowski (2020). Molecular investigation of Phryganella acropodia Hertwig et Lesser, 1874 (Arcellinida, Amoebozoa). European Journal of Protistology 75.
C. Lado & C. Rojas (2020). Guía para el estudio de la taxonomía y ecología de Myxomycetes.Carlos2024-03-25T10:28:10+01:00
I.Treviño & C. Lado (2020). New records of Myxomycetes from Peru. Check List 16 (2): 253-264.
K.J. Knight & C. Lado (2020). Clastoderma confusum (Myxomycetes: Amoebozoa), a remarkable new species of slime mould from Western Australia. Nuytsia 31: 35–40. Doi:
C. Lado, M.A. Ribes & J.F. Moreno (2019). First records of Tubifera microsperma (Myxomycetes) in continental zone of the Mediterranean region. Nova Hedwigia 109 (3-4): 425-433.
C.V.W Seppey, O. Broennimann, A. Buri, E. Yashiro, E. Pinto-Figueroa, D. Singer, Q. Blandenier, E.A.D. Mitchell, H. Niculita-Hirzel, A. Guisan & E. Lara (2019). Soil protist diversity in the Swiss western Alps is better predicted by topo‐climatic than by edaphic variables. Journal of Biogeography 2019;00:1–13.
C. Lado, D. Wrigley de Basanta, A.C. Estrada-Torres, S.L. Stephenson & I. Treviño (2019). Diversity of Myxomycetes in arid zones of Peru part II: the cactus belt and transition zones. Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid 76 (2): e083.
J.M. García-Martín, J.C. Zamora & C. Lado (2019). Evidence of Intra-individual SSU Polymorphisms in Dark-spored Myxomycetes (Amoebozoa). Protist 170 (5).
D. Singer, E.A.D. Mitchell, R.J. Payne, Q. Blandenier, C. Duckert, L.D. Fernández, B. Fournier, C.E. Hernández, G. Granath, H. Rydin, L. Bragazza, N.G. Koronatova, I. Goia, L.I. Harris, K. Kajukało, A. Kosakyan, M. Lamentowicz, N.P. Kosykh, K. Vellak, E. Lara (2019). Dispersal limitations and historical factors determine the biogeography of specialized terrestrial protists. Molecular Ecology 28 (12): 3089-3100.
S.L. Stephenson, D. Wrigley de Basanta, C. Lado, A.C. Estrada-Torres & R. Darrah (2019). Myxomycete biodiversity revealed in the Namib desert. South African Journal of Botany 124: 402-413.
D. Wrigley de Basanta, A. Estrada-Torres & C. Lado (2019). Licea aurea a new Myxomycete from the Peruvian Andes. Phytotaxa 391(3) 218-224.
C. Lado & C. Rojas (2018). Diversity patterns, ecological associations and future of research on Costa Rican myxomycetes. Mycology.
C. Lado, A. Estrada-Torres & C. Rojas (2018). New records of genera and species of myxomycetes (Amoebozoa) from the Neotropics. Check List 14(3): 509-518.
C. Rojas, P.A. Rojas & C. Lado (2018). Myxomycete diversity in Costa Rica. Mycosphere 9(2): 227-255.
C. Lado & D. Wrigley de Basanta (2018). Typification of the myxomycete taxa described by the Listers and preserved at the Natural History Museum, London (BM). Phytotaxa Monographs. 341: 1-83.
D. Wrigley de Basanta, A. Estrada-Torres, I. García-Cunchillos, A.C. Echeverría & C. Lado (2018). Didymium azorellae, a new myxomycete from cushion plants of cold arid areas of South America. Mycologia 109(6): 993-1002.
J.M. García-Martín, J. Mosquera & C. Lado (2018). Morphological and molecular characterization of a new succulenticolous Physarum, Myxomycetes, Amoebozoa) with unique polygonal spores linked in chains. European Journal of Protistology. 63: 13-25.
S. Sheikha, M. Thulina, J.C. Cavender, R. Escalante, S. Kawakami, C. Lado, J.C. Landolt, V. Nanjundiah, D.C. Queller, J.E. Strassmann, F.W. Spiegel, S.L. Stephenson, E.M. Vadell & S.L. Baldauf (2018). A New Classification of the Dictyostelids. Protist 169, 1-28.
D. Wrigley de Basanta & A. Estrada-Torres (2017). Techniques for Recording and Isolating Myxomycetes. In: S.L. Stephenson & C. Rojas (eds). Myxomycetes. Biology, Systematics, Biogeography, and Ecology. Academic Press. Elsevier. Pp 333-363.
C. Lado & U. Eliasson (2017). Taxonomy and Systematics: Current Knowledge and Approaches on the Taxonomic Treatment of Myxomycetes. In: S.L. Stephenson & C. Rojas (eds). Myxomycetes. Biology, Systematics, Biogeography, and Ecology. Academic Press. Elsevier. Pp. 205-251.
N.H.A. Dagamac, Y.K. Novozhilov, S.L. Stephenson, C. Lado, C. Rojas, T.E.E. de la Cruz, M. Unterseher & M. Schnittler (2017). Biogeographical assessment of myxomycete assemblages from Neotropical and Asian Palaeotropical forests. Journal of Biogeography. 44: 1524-1536.
D. Wrigley de Basanta, T. Win Ko Ko, W.C. Rosing & S.L. Stephenson (2017). Licea metallica, a new myxomycete from Laos. Nova Hedwigia. 104 (1-3): 237-242.
C. Lado, A. Estrada-Torres, D. Wrigley de Basanta, M. Schnittler & S.L. Stephenson (2017). A rapid biodiversity assessment of myxomycetes from a primary tropical moist forest of the Amazon basin in Ecuador. Nova Hedwigia. 104 (1-3): 293-321.
C. Lado, D. Wrigley de Basanta, A. Estrada-Torres & S.L. Stephenson (2016). Myxomycete diversity in the coastal desert of Peru with emphasis on the lomas formations. Anales Jard. Bot. Madrid 73(1): e032.
J.C. Araújo, C. Lado & S. Xavier-Santos (2015). Perichaena calongei (Trichiales): a new record of Myxomycetes from Brazil. Current Research in Environmental & Applied Mycology 5 (4): 352–356.
C. Rojas, C. Lado & R. Valverde (2015). First record of the myxomycete genus Colloderma in Central America. Check List 11(4): 1716.
A. Ronikier & C. Lado (2015). Nivicolous Stemonitales (Myxomycetes) from the Austral Andes. Analysis of morphological variability, distribution and phenology as a first step towards testing the large-scale coherence of species and biogeographical properties. Mycologia. 107(2):258-283.
A. Estrada-Torres, D. Wrigley de Basanta, C. Lado & M. Rodríguez-Palma (2015). Cornuvia (Trichiales, Myxomycetes), a new genus in Mexico. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad. 86 (2015): 9-13. DOI:
D. Wrigley de Basanta, C. Lado, J.M. García-Martín & A. Estrada-Torres (2015). Didymium xerophilum, a new myxomycete from the Tropical Andes. Mycologia. 107 (1):157–168.
C. Lado, D. Wrigley de Basanta, A. Estrada-Torres & E. García-Carvajal (2014). Myxomycete diversity of the Patagonian Steppe and bordering áreas in Argentina. Anales Jard. Bot. Madrid 71(1): e006.
M. Aguilar, A.M. Fiore-Donno, C. Lado & T. Cavalier-Smith (2014). Using environmental niche models to test the “everything is everywhere” hypothesis for Badhamia. ISME Journal. 8:737-745.
A. Ronikier, C. Lado & D. Wrigley de Basanta (2013). Perichaena megaspora, a new nivicolous species of myxomycete from the Andes. Mycologia 105(4): 938-944.
C. Lado, D. Wrigley de Basanta, A. Estrada-Torres & S.L. Stephenson (2013). The biodiversity of Myxomycetes in Central Chile. Fungal Diversity 59: 3-32.
D. Wrigley de Basanta, C. Lado, A. Estrada-Torres & S.L. Stephenson (2013). Biodiversity Studies of Myxomycetes in Madagascar. Fungal Diversity 59: 55-83.
A. Estrada-Torres, D. Wrigley de Basanta & C. Lado (2013). Biogeographic patterns of the Myxobiota of the Americas using a parsimony análisis of endemicity. Fungal Diversity 59: 159-177.
A. Ronikier & C. Lado (2013). Physarum andinum, a new nivicolous species of myxomycete from the Patagonian Andes. Mycologia 105(1): 162–171.
M. Aguilar & C. Lado (2012). Check-list of microscopic protosteloid amoebae from the Southwest of Europe. Anales Jard. Bot. Madrid 69(2):217-236.
M. Aguilar & C. Lado (2012). Ecological Niche Models reveal the importance of climate variability for the biogeography of protosteloid amoebae. ISME Journal. 6(8):1506-1514.
D. Wrigley de Basanta, C. Lado & A. Estrada-Torres (2012). Description and life cycle of a new Physarum (Myxomycetes) from the Atacama Desert in Chile. Mycologia. 104(5):1206-1212.
M. Aguilar, F.W. Spiegel & C. Lado (2011). Microhabitat and climatic preferentes of Protosteloid Amoebae in a region with a Mediterranean climate. Microbial Ecol. 62: 361-373.
D. Wrigley de Basanta, C. Lado & A. Estrada-Torres (2011). Spore to spore culture of Didymium operculatum, a new myxomycete from the Atacama desert of Chile. Mycologia. 103(4): 895-903.
C. Lado, D. Wrigley de Basanta & A. Estrada-Torres (2011). Biodiversity of Myxomycetes from the Monte desert of Argentina. Anales Jard. Bot. Madrid 68(1):61-95.
C. Lado (2011). The nomenclatural status of the genus Tubifera (Myxomycetes). Taxon 60(1): 221-222.
M. Romeralo, J. Moya-Laraño & C. Lado (2011). Social amoeba: environmental factors influencing their distribution and Diversity across South-Western Europe. Microbial Ecology 61: 154-165.
E. Beltrán-Tejera, E., J. Mosquera, J. & C. Lado (2010). Myxomycete diversity from arid and semiarid zones of the Canary Islands (Spain). Mycotaxon 113: 439-442.
D. Wrigley de Basanta, C. Lado & A. Estrada-Torres (2010). Licea eremophila a new Myxomycete from arid areas of South America. Mycologia 102(5): 1185-1192.
A. Ronikier, C. Lado, M. Meyer & D. Wrigley de Basanta (2010). Two new species of nivicolous Lamproderma (Myxomycetes) from the mountains of Europe and America. Mycologia 102(3): 718-728.
D. Wrigley de Basanta, C. Lado, A. Estrada-Torres & S.L. Stephenson (2010). Biodiversity of myxomycetes in subantarctic forests of Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. Nova Hedwigia 90(1-2): 45-79.
C. Lado & A. Ronikier (2009). Nivicolous myxomycetes from the Pyrenees: notes on taxonomy and species diversity. Part 2. Stemonitales. Nova Hedwigia 88(1-2): 131-145.
C. Lado, D. Wrigley de Basanta, A. Estrada-Torres, E. García Carvajal, M. Aguilar & J.C. Hernández (2009). Description of a new species of Perichaena (Myxomycetes) from arid areas of Argentina. Anales Jardín Botánico de Madrid 66S1: 63-70. ISSN: 0211-1322.
D. Wrigley de Basanta, C. Lado, A. Estrada-Torres & S.L. Stephenson (2009). Description and life cycle of a new Didymium (Myxomycetes) from arid areas of Argentina and Chile. Mycologia 101(5): 707-716.
A. Estrada-Torres, D. Wrigley de Basanta, E. Conde & C. Lado (2009). Myxomycetes associated with dryland ecosystems of the Tehuacán-Cuicatlán Valley Biosphere Reserve, Mexico. Fungal Diversity 36:17-56.Carlos2024-03-25T10:35:29+01:00
D. Wrigley de Basanta, C. Lado & A. Estrada-Torres (2008). Morphology and life cycle of a new species of Didymium (Myxomycetes) from arid areas of Mexico. Mycologia 100(6): 921-929.
C. Lado & A. Ronikier (2008). Nivicolous myxomycetes from the Pyrenees: notes on taxonomy and species diversity. Part 1. Physarales and Trichiales. Nova Hedwigia 87(3-4): 337-360.
D. Wrigley de Basanta, S. L. Stephenson, C. Lado, A. Estrada & A. M. Nieves-Rivera (2008). Lianas as a microhabitat for myxomycetes in tropical forests. Fungal Diversity 28:109-125.Carlos2024-03-25T10:36:03+01:00
C. Lado & D. Wrigley de Basanta (2008). A Review of Neotropical Myxomycetes (1828-2008). Anales Jardín Botánico de Madrid 65(2): 211-254. ISSN: 0211-1322.
C. Lado, J. Mosquera, A. Estrada, E. Beltrán & D. Wrigley de Basanta (2007). Description and culture of a new succulenticolous Didymium (Myxomycetes). Mycologia 99(4): 602-611.
M. Aguilar, C. Lado & F. W. Spiegel (2007). Protostelids from deciduous forests: first data from southwestern Europe. Mycological Research 111: 863-872.
M. Romeralo, O. Fiz, C. Lado & J. Cavender (2007). A new concept for Dictyostelium sphaerocephalum based on morphology and phylogenetic analysis of nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer region sequences. Canadian Journal of Botany 85(1): 104-110.
C. Lado, A. Estrada & S. L. Stephenson (2007). Myxomycetes collected in the first phase of a north-south transect of Chile. Fungal Diversity 25: 81-101.Carlos2024-03-25T10:36:42+01:00
M. Romeralo, R. Escalante, L. Sastre & C. Lado (2007). Molecular Systematcis of Dictyostelids: 5.8S Ribosomal DNA and Internal Transcribed Spacer Region Analyses. Eukaryotic Cell 6(1):110-116.
M. Romeralo & C. Lado (2006). Dictyostelids from Mediterranean forests of the south of Europe. Mycological Progress 5: 231-241.
C. Lado, A. Ronikier, M. Ronikier & A. Drozdowiccz (2005). Nivicolous Myxomycetes from the Sierra de Gredos (central Spain). Nova Hedwigia 81(3-4): 371-394.
D. Wrigley de Basanta & C. Lado (2005). A taxonomic evaluation of the stipitate Licea species. Fungal Diversity 20: 261-314.Carlos2024-03-25T10:37:10+01:00
A. Estrada-Torres, T. W. Gaither, D. L. Miller, C. Lado & H. W. Keller (2005). The myxomycete genus Schenella: morphological and DNA sequence evidence for synonymy with the gasteromycete genus Pyrenogaster. Mycologia 97(1): 139-149.Carlos2024-03-25T10:37:17+01:00
C. Lado, U. Eliasson, S. L. Stephenson, A. Estrada-Torres & M. Schnittler (2005). Proposal to conserve the names Amaurochaete against Lachnobolus, Ceratiomyxa against Famintzinia, Cribraria Pers. against Cribraria Schrad. ex J. F. Gmel., and Hemitrichia against Hyporhamma (Myxomycetes). Taxon 54(2): 543-545.Carlos2024-03-25T10:37:30+01:00
S.L. Stephenson, M. Schnittler & C. Lado (2004). Ecological characterization of a tropical Myxomycete assemblage – Maquipucuna Cloud Forest Reserve, Ecuador. Mycologia 96(3): 488-497.Carlos2024-03-25T10:37:36+01:00
J. Mosquera, C. Lado, A. Estrada-Torres, E. Beltrán-Tejera & D. Wrigley de Basanta (2003). Description and culture of a new myxomycete, Licea succulenticola. Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid 60(1): 3-10.Carlos2024-03-25T10:37:43+01:00
M.P. Martín, C. Lado & S. Johansen (2003). Primers are designed for amplification and direct sequencing of ITS region of rDNA from Myxomycetes. Mycologia 95(3): 474-479.Carlos2024-03-25T10:37:52+01:00
C. Lado, A. Estrada-Torres, S. L. Stephenson, D. Wrigley de Basanta & M. Schnittler (2003). Biodiversity assessment of Myxomycetes from two tropical forest reserves in Mexico. Fungal Diversity 12:67-110.Carlos2024-03-25T10:37:59+01:00
A. Estrada-Torres, J.M. Ramírez-Ortega & C. Lado (2003). Calonema foliicola, a new myxomycete from Mexico. Mycologia 95(2): 354-359.Carlos2024-03-25T10:38:08+01:00